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Joyful June!

It's sometimes as you reflect back on a month, that you truly appreciate just all the wonderful things that have happened over the past few weeks. We can often forget just what we've done and/or achieved etc, as we move so quickly onto the next thing. So, do take that time to reflect upon your month and your wins - big and small, as well as focusing forward as to how you want your next month(s) to flow.

And talking of which, this was the theme of our latest wellness workshop - Midsummer Mindfulness - which we held at the lovely Lake House Kent on Saturday 17 June and was just one of the wonderful things which happened in June!

As always, our workshops

draw together such lovely people who are wanting to take that time for self-care, self-reflection and share their day in the company of like-minded souls.

This workshop was a continuation for those who attended our 'Create Your Vision for 2023' workshop back in January, but was also for new attendees who felt drawn to spend some time being able to focus on themselves. We undertook different activities, exercises and discussions and explored ways to let go of what they were ready to release, creating that space to bring in new energy.

We reflected on the past 6 months in order to appreciate how they wanted the next 6 months to be. Writing a letter to their future selves (which we'll post to each person towards the end of the year!), it provides that space to gather your thoughts and to put energy into your future - visualising and sowing those seeds to manifest what you want ❤

We did chakra dancing / qigong; we brought energy to our intentions with sound; we did exercises about trusting our intuition as we sought out our connection card; we meditated; we relaxed with a Gong Bath ... and before we knew it, the day had come to a close!

Want to join us at our next wellness workshop?

We have two workshops you can book onto:

  • Ceremony of Sound & Movement on Saturday 7 October (10am - 4pm); and

  • Create Your Vision for 2024 on Saturday 27 January (10am - 4pm).

Both workshops will be held at Lake House Kent and, as with all our workshops, they are interactive, inclusive and everyone is welcome. Different topics and different themes, but always with the focus on health and wellness 💜

For more details about each wellness workshop and to book your place, click on the link ... and we have our EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT too, so grab your ticket now and invest in a great day for YOU


And taking wellness to a bigger audience, this month we were also at The Kent Wellness Festival - and what a fab festival it was again this year!

An addition to last year, Ian and I had our Anemoi Incense stand and we had a great time chatting to people about our 100% natural and homemade incense resin blends and spray mists ❤

And it was fantastic to have so many people join us for our Gong Bath Meditation session on the Saturday and our Qigong session on the Sunday. We were buzzing from being at such a great event.

It's definitely one for the diary next year if you want to enjoy that time immersing yourself in a weekend of wellness 💗

And we'll be part of another wellness festival next month as we head to Cobham, Surrey for Wisdom on Wellness on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 July. This is a new fesitval for us and we're looking forward to being there with our Anemoi Incense stand and delivering both Qigong and Gong Bath sessions.

From what we've seen of the line-up so far, it promises to be a fantastic festival. So, if it tickles your fancy ... why not come along!

Events like this can really help us take stock and take some time to move at a more relaxed pace for a day or two. Always aim to strike that balance in life - remember, it's all about the yin and yang ☯

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