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If February be the month of love ... read on!

February - a month a lot of us are keen to skip past (the days are cold, the nights still feel too long and we're often still recovering from the busyness and expense of Christmas). How do you feel about February?

This February brings us Valentine's Day on the 14th and it's a Leap Year too. Ladies, are you feeling the urge to propose to the man in your life?!

Whatever the season - and whatever your reason - bringing movement, wellbeing and self-care into your life shouldn't be something we wait until the spring or summer to do, we can (and should) be doing this year-round. Perhaps even more so in the winter months when our energy can feel a bit sluggish, or our mood feel a bit low. Having said this, by movement, I don't mean we should all don our trainers and get outside running half marathons (although if that's your thing, then go for it!). Movement can be a walk in the park or the woods (and when the skies are blue and the air is crisp, what a wonderful feeling it is to be outside on days like that). It can be a more gentle form of movement which enables our energy to flow - creating resilience physically, mentally and emotionally.

At Club Chi, our wellbeing sessions offer just that - a gentle form of movement therapy, which relaxes the body and calms the mind. You may want to call it a movement meditation as your focus is drawn to your breath and/or your movements, thereby enabling you to relax into a meditative state.

And throughout February, we are sharing the love at Club Chi! When you bring a friend to one of the Club Chi Wellbeing Sessions, you will get your next session absolutely FREE!

Make your winter more cosy by getting your body moving and energy flowing in a mindful way, by sharing it with friends and sharing that feeling of wellbeing.

You can reserve your places online at: or by contacting us at: / 07790 385809

We look forward to seeing you there!

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